\name{pubMedAbst-class} \docType{class} \alias{pubMedAbst-class} \alias{pubMedAbst} \alias{authors} \alias{abstText} \alias{articleTitle} \alias{journal} \alias{pubDate} \alias{abstUrl} \alias{pmid} \alias{pubMedAbst,pubMedAbst-method} \alias{authors,pubMedAbst-method} \alias{abstText,pubMedAbst-method} \alias{articleTitle,pubMedAbst-method} \alias{journal,pubMedAbst-method} \alias{pubDate,pubMedAbst-method} \alias{abstUrl,pubMedAbst-method} \alias{pmid,pubMedAbst-method} \alias{show,pubMedAbst-method} \title{Class pubMedAbst, a class to handle PubMed abstracts, and methods for processing them.} \description{ This is a class representation for PubMed abstracts. } \section{Creating Objects}{ \code{ new('pubMedAbst',}\cr \code{ authors = ...., # Object of class vector}\cr \code{ pmid = ...., # Object of class character}\cr \code{ abstText = ...., # Object of class character}\cr \code{ articleTitle = ...., # object of class character}\cr \code{ journal = ...., # Object of class character}\cr \code{ pubDate = ...., # Object of class character}\cr \code{ abstUrl = ...., # Object of class character}\cr \code{ )}} \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{pmid}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} The PubMed ID for this paper. } \item{\code{authors}:}{Object of class \code{"vector"} The authors of the paper. } \item{\code{abstText}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} The contained text of the abstract. } \item{\code{articleTitle}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} The title of the article the abstract pertains to. } \item{\code{journal}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} The journal the article was published in. } \item{\code{pubDate}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} The date the journal was published. } \item{\code{abstUrl}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} A URL, if one is provided, contained in the abstract. } } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{pmid}{\code{signature(object = "pmid")}: An accessor function for \code{pmid}} \item{abstText}{\code{signature(object = "pubMedAbst")}: An accessor function for \code{abstText}} \item{abstUrl}{\code{signature(object = "pubMedAbst")}: An accessor function for \code{abstUrl} } \item{articleTitle}{\code{signature(object = "pubMedAbst")}: An accessor function for \code{articleTitle} } \item{authors}{\code{signature(object = "pubMedAbst")}: An accessor function for \code{authors} } \item{journal}{\code{signature(object = "pubMedAbst")}: An accessor function for \code{journal} } \item{pubDate}{\code{signature(object = "pubMedAbst")}: An accessor function for \code{pubDate}} } } \author{ Jeff Gentry } \seealso{\code{\link{pubmed}}, \code{\link{genbank}}} \examples{ x <- pubmed("9695952","8325638","8422497") a <- xmlRoot(x) numAbst <- length(xmlChildren(a)) absts <- list() for (i in 1:numAbst) { absts[[i]] <- buildPubMedAbst(a[[i]]) } } \keyword{classes}