\name{pmidQuery} \alias{pmidQuery} \title{A function to query PubMed} \description{ Given a PMID, will create a URL which can be used to open a browser and retrieve the specified information from PubMed. } \usage{ pmidQuery(query) } \arguments{ \item{query}{ The PubMed ID (or IDs)} } \details{ Using ublished details from NCBI we construct an appropriate string for directing a web browser to the information available at the NCBI. } \value{ A character string containing the appropriate URL } \references{NCBI, \url{http://www.ncbi.nih.gov/} } \author{Jeff Gentry} \seealso{\code{\link{UniGeneQuery}}} \examples{ a <- "9695952" pmidQuery(a) } \keyword{interface}