\name{pmAbst2HTML} \alias{pmAbst2HTML} \title{HTML Generation for PubMed Abstracts} \description{ This function will take a \code{pubMedAbst} object, or a list of these objects and generate a web page that will list the titles of the abstracts and link to their full page on PubMed } \usage{ pmAbst2HTML(absts, filename, title, frames = FALSE, table.center = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{absts}{A list of \code{pubMedAbst} (or a single object)} \item{filename}{The output filename. If \code{frames} is \code{FALSE}, this is the name of the single output file and defaults to \code{absts.html}. Otherwise, this is taken to be the base of a set of filenames, and the default base is the empty string. See \code{value} for more information on output files.} \item{title}{ Extra title information for your listing} \item{frames}{If \code{frames} is \code{TRUE}, the resulting page will use HTML frames, resulting in a more complex set of output pages.} \item{table.center}{If TRUE, will center the listing of abstracts} } \details{ This function uses the \code{Entrez} functionality provided by NCBI to retrieve the abstract URL at the PubMed site. It will then create a tabular webpage which will list the titles of the abstracts provided and have them link to the appropriate PubMed page. If \code{frames} is \code{TRUE}, the table of links will be on the left hand side of the page and the right hand will link directly to the appropriate PubMed page. } \value{ If \code{frames} is \code{FALSE}, a simple HTML file is created with the name specified by \code{filename}. If \code{frames} is \code{TRUE}, then there are four HTML files created, of the form \code{XXXtop.html}, \code{XXXside.html}, \code{XXXmain.html} and \code{XXXindex.html}, where \code{XXX} is the string provided by \code{filename}. } \author{Jeff Gentry} \seealso{\code{pubMedAbst}} \examples{ x <- pubmed("9695952","8325638","8422497") a <- xmlRoot(x) numAbst <- length(xmlChildren(a)) absts <- list() for (i in 1:numAbst) { absts[[i]] <- buildPubMedAbst(a[[i]]) } ## First try it w/o frames - using a temporary ## file for the output fname <- tempfile() pmAbst2HTML(absts,filename=fname) if (interactive()) browseURL(paste("file://",fname,sep="")) ## Now try it w/ frames, using temporary files again. fnameBase <- tempfile() pmAbst2HTML(absts,filename=fnameBase, frames=TRUE) if (interactive()) browseURL(paste("file://",fnameBase,"index.html",sep="")) } \keyword{utilities}