\name{p2LL} \alias{p2LL} \title{A function to map from probes to unique Entrez Gene IDs} \description{ For any chip, this function computes the map from unique Entrez Gene ID to all probes. } \usage{ p2LL(data) } \arguments{ \item{data}{ The character string naming the chip.} } \details{ This function is deprecated. This is essentially the computation of the reverse map, we store probe to Entrez gene information in the \code{ENTREZID} environment. This is used to compute the inverse mapping. } \value{ A list, with length equal to the number of unique Entrez Gene IDs on the chip, the elements correspond to the probes that map to the Gene ID. } \author{R. Gentleman} \seealso{\code{\link{getEG}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ library("hgu95av2.db") x <- p2LL("hgu95av2") table(sapply(x, length)) } } \keyword{manip}