\name{neighborGeneFinder} \alias{neighborGeneFinder} \title{A widget for locating genes neighboring a target gene} \description{ Given a set of data (matrix) with entries for Entrez Gene or UniGene ids, the neighboring genes of a gene selected from a list on the interface can be located. } \usage{ neighborGeneFinder(geneData, keyName = c("unigene", "locuslink"), organism = c("human", "mouse", "rat")) } \arguments{ \item{geneData}{\code{geneData} a matrix with columns named. The name for one of the columns has to be either "locuslink" or "unigene"} \item{keyName}{\code{keyName} a character string for the name of the key columns of \code{geneData}. Has to be either "locuslink" or "unigene"} \item{organism}{\code{organism} a character string for the name of the organism of interest. Has to be "human", "mouse", or "rat"} } \details{ Bioconductor's data package XXXCHRLLOC has to be instatlled for the widget to work. If \code{keyName} is "unigene", XXXLLMappings is required, where XXX is the name of the organism of interest. } \value{ This function returns a list of lists. Elements of the top level list are either Entrez Gene or UniGene ids. A sublist is inturn a list of lists whose top level elements are chromosome numbers, each of which is a list with an "upstream" and "downstream" elements. } \author{Jianhua Zhang} \examples{ if(interactive()){ require("annotate", character.only = TRUE) || stop("Package annotate is not availble") geneData <- cbind(paste("100", 1:16, "_at", sep = ""), c(1, 50, 10044, 51, 71, 51371, 81, 51426, 188, 293, 360, 364, 375, 387, 513, 10572)) colnames(geneData) <- c("Probe", "locuslink") neighborGeneFinder(geneData, "locuslink", "human") } } \keyword{interface}