\name{hgu95Asym} \non_function{} \docType{data} \alias{hgu95Asym} \title{Annotation data for the Affymetrix HGU95A GeneChip} \usage{data(hgu95Asym)} \format{ This data set provides an environment with mappings from the Affymetrix identifiers to gene symbol. The environment functions like a hashtables and can be accessed using \code{mget}. If the returned value is \code{NA} then the current mapping was unable to identify this. Mappings and data sources are constantly evolving so updating often is recommended. } \description{Data, in the form of environments for the Affymetrix U95A chip.} \source{The \code{AnnBuilder} package.} \examples{ data(hgu95Asym) data(sample.ExpressionSet) mget(featureNames(sample.ExpressionSet)[330:340], env=hgu95Asym, ifnotfound=NA) } \keyword{datasets}