\name{hasGOannote} \alias{hasGOannote} \title{Check for GO annotation} \description{ Given a GO term, or a vector of GO terms and an ontology this function determines which of the terms have GO annotation in the specified ontology. } \usage{ hasGOannote(x, which="MF") } \arguments{ \item{x}{A character vector, an instance of the \code{GOTerms} class or a list of \code{GOTerms}.} \item{which}{One of "MF", "BP" or "CC"} } \details{ The available GO annotation is searched and a determination of whether a specific GO identifier has a value in the specified ontology is made. } \value{ A logical vector of the same length as \code{x}. } \author{R. Gentleman} \seealso{\code{\link{get}}} \examples{ library("GO.db") t1 <- "GO:0003680" hasGOannote(t1) hasGOannote(t1, "BP") } \keyword{manip}