\name{getSYMBOL} \alias{getSYMBOL} \alias{getGO} \alias{getGOdesc} \alias{getPMID} \alias{getLL} \alias{getEG} \alias{lookUp} \alias{getUniqAnnItem} \title{Functions to deal with Data Packages} \description{ The functions documented here are intended to make it easier to map from a set of manufacturers identifiers (such as you will get from the chips etc) to other identifiers. } \usage{ getSYMBOL(x, data) getLL(x, data) getEG(x, data) getGO(x, data) getPMID(x, data) getGOdesc(x, which) lookUp(x, data, what, load = FALSE) getUniqAnnItem() } \arguments{ \item{x}{The identifiers to be mapped (usually manufacturer)} \item{data}{The basename of the meta-data package to be used.} \item{what}{\code{what} a character string for the name of an annotation element of an annotation data package} \item{which}{\code{which} a character string in the form of MF, BP, CC, or ANY to indicated the GO categories of interest} \item{load}{A logical value indicating whether to attempt to load the required annotation data package if it isn't already loaded.} } \details{ Users must supply the basename of the meta-data package that they want to use to provide the mappings. The name of the meta-data package is the same as the basename. Appropriate translations are done. In some cases such as \code{getEG} and \code{getSYMBOL} there will only be one match and a vector is returned. In other cases such as \code{getPMID} and \code{getGO} there may be multiple matches and a list is returned. For \code{getGOdesc} \code{x} contains GO identifiers (not manufacturer identifiers) and the output is a list of GOTerms objects, if \code{which} specifies some subset of the ontologies (MF, BP or CC) then only terms for that ontology are retained. \code{lookUp} is a general function that can be used to look up matches. All other translation functions use \code{lookUp} A BioC annotation data package contains annotation data environments whose names are package name (e. g. hgu95av2) + element name (e. g. PMID). \code{what} must be one of the element names for the given data package. \code{getUniqAnnItem} keeps track of the annotation elements that have one to one mappings. } \value{ Either a vector or a list depending on whether multiple values per input are possible. } \author{R. Gentleman} \seealso{\code{\link{mget}}} \examples{ library("hgu95av2.db") library("GO.db") data(sample.ExpressionSet) gN <- featureNames(sample.ExpressionSet)[100:105] lookUp(gN, "hgu95av2", "SYMBOL") # Same as lookUp for SYMBOL except the return is a vector getSYMBOL(gN,"hgu95av2" ) gg <- getGO(gN, "hgu95av2") lookUp(gg[[2]][[1]][["GOID"]], "GO", "TERM") # Same as lookUp for TERM getGOdesc(gg[[2]][[1]][["GOID"]], "ANY") # For BP only getGOdesc(gg[[2]][[1]][["GOID"]], "BP") getEG(gN, "hgu95av2") getPMID(gN, "hgu95av2") } \keyword{manip}