\name{getOntology} \alias{getOntology} \title{Get GO terms for a specified ontology} \description{ Find the subset of GO terms for the specified ontology, for each element of the supplied list of associations. The input list is typically from one of the chip-specific meta-data files. } \usage{ getOntology(inlist, ontology=c("MF", "BP", "CC")) } \arguments{ \item{inlist}{A list of GO associations} \item{ontology}{The name of the ontology you want returned.} } \details{ The input list should be a list of lists, each element of \code{inlist} is itself a list containing the information that maps from a specified ID (usually LocusLink) to GO information. Each element of the inner list is a list with elements \code{GOID}, \code{Ontology} and \code{Evidence}. } \value{ A list of the same length as the input list. Each element of this list will contain a vector of \code{GOID}s for those terms that match the requested ontology. } \author{R. Gentleman} \seealso{\code{\link{getEvidence}}, \code{\link{dropECode}}} \examples{ library("hgu95av2.db") bb <- hgu95av2GO[["39613_at"]] getOntology(bb) sapply(bb, function(x) x$Ontology) } \keyword{manip}