\name{getAnnMap} \alias{getAnnMap} \title{Get annotation map} \description{ This function retrieves a map object from an annotation data package. It is intended to serve as a common interface for obtaining map objects from both SQLite-based and environment-based annotation data packages. } \usage{ getAnnMap(map, chip, load = TRUE, type = c("db", "env")) } \arguments{ \item{map}{a string specifying the name of the map to retrieve. For example, \code{"ENTREZID"} or \code{"GO"}} \item{chip}{a string describing the chip or genome} \item{load}{a logical value. When \code{TRUE}, \code{getAnnMap} will try to load the annotation data package if it is not already attached.} \item{type}{a character vector of one or more annotation data package types. The currently supported types are \code{"db"} and \code{"env"}. If \code{load} is \code{TRUE}, you can specify both \code{"db"} and \code{"env"} and the order will determine which type is tried first. This provides a fall-back mechanism when the preferred annotation data package type is not available. If \code{type} is missing, then the first matching annotation package found in the search path will be used, and then the default value of \code{type} takes over.} } \details{ \code{getAnnMap} uses the search path (see \code{search}) to find an appropriate annotation data package; when called with \code{chip="hgu95av2"}, the function will use the first hgu95av2 package on the search path whether it be db or environment-based. If \code{load=TRUE} and no suitable package is found on the search path, then the function will attempt to load an appropriate package. The \code{type} argument is used to determine which type of package (db or env) is loaded first. } \value{ If \code{type} is \code{"db"}, an S4 object representing the requested map. If \code{type} is \code{"env"}, an R \code{environment} object representing the requested map. } \author{Seth Falcon} \examples{ map <- getAnnMap("ENTREZID", "hgu95av2", load=TRUE, type=c("env", "db")) class(map) } \keyword{manip}