\name{genelocator} \alias{genelocator} \title{A function to identify genes by their LocusLink (or other id). } \description{ This function uses \code{locator} to provide some interaction with an \code{image} plot of genetic data. It is currently not implemented except in skeleton form. } \usage{ genelocator(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{Undeterimined } } \details{ } \value{ This function is executed mainly for its side effect. When an image plot is active then \code{genelocator} can be called. When the image is clicked on, using the left mouse button, the users web browser is activated and a web page (determined by one of the arguments to \code{genelocator}) will be displayed. } \author{ R. Gentleman } \note{ } \seealso{ \code{\link{locator}}} \examples{ ## This is an interactive function so the examples won't work! } \keyword{ iplot }