\name{filterGOByOntology} \alias{filterGOByOntology} \title{Filter GO terms by a specified GO ontology} \description{ Given a character vector containing GO identifiers, return a logical vector indicating which GO IDs are in the specified ontology (BP, CC, or MF). } \usage{ filterGOByOntology(goids, ontology = c("BP", "CC", "MF")) } \arguments{ \item{goids}{a character vector of GO IDs} \item{ontology}{One of "BP", "CC", or "MF"} } \value{ A logical vector with length equal to \code{goids}. A \code{TRUE} indicates that the corresponding GO ID in \code{goids} is a member of the ontology specified by \code{ontology}. } \author{Seth Falcon} \examples{ haveGO <- suppressWarnings(require("GO")) if (haveGO) { ids <- c("GO:0001838", "GO:0001839") stopifnot(all(filterGOByOntology(ids, "BP"))) stopifnot(!any(filterGOByOntology(ids, "MF"))) } else cat("Sorry, this example requires the GO package\n") } \keyword{manip}