\name{dropECode} \alias{dropECode} \title{Drop GO labels for specified Evidence Codes} \description{ Genes are mapped to GO terms on the basis of evidence codes. In some analyses it will be appropriate to drop certain sets of annotations based on specific evidence codes. } \usage{ dropECode(inlist, code="IEA") } \arguments{ \item{inlist}{A list of GO data } \item{code}{The set of codes that should be dropped. } } \details{ A simple use of \code{\link{lapply}} and \code{\link{sapply}} to find and eliminate those terms that have the specified evidence codes. This might be used when one is using to GO to validate a sequence matching experiment (for example), then all terms whose mapping was based on sequence similarity (say ISS and IEA) should be removed. } \value{ A list of the same length as the input list retaining only those annotations whose evidence codes were not the ones in the exclusion set \code{code}. } \author{R. Gentleman} \seealso{\code{\link{getEvidence}}, \code{\link{getOntology}}} \examples{ library("hgu95av2.db") bb <- hgu95av2GO[["39613_at"]] getEvidence(bb[1:3]) cc <- dropECode(bb[1:3]) if (length(cc)) getEvidence(cc) } \keyword{manip}