\name{chromLocation-class} \docType{class} \alias{chromLocation-class} \alias{organism} \alias{dataSource} \alias{nChrom} \alias{chromNames} \alias{chromLocs} \alias{chromLengths} \alias{probesToChrom} \alias{geneSymbols} \alias{chromInfo} \alias{organism,chromLocation-method} \alias{dataSource,chromLocation-method} \alias{nChrom,chromLocation-method} \alias{chromNames,chromLocation-method} \alias{chromLocs,chromLocation-method} \alias{chromLengths,chromLocation-method} \alias{probesToChrom,chromLocation-method} \alias{geneSymbols,chromLocation-method} \alias{chromInfo,chromLocation-method} \alias{show,chromLocation-method} \title{Class chromLocation, a class for describing genes and their chromosome mappings.} \description{ This class provides chromosomal information provided by a Bioconductor metadata package. By creating the object once for a particular package, it can be used in a variety of locations without the need to recomputed values repeatedly. } \section{Creating Objects}{ \code{ new('chromLocation',} \code{ organism = ...., # Object of class character}\cr \code{ dataSource = ...., # Object of class character}\cr \code{ chromLocs = ...., # Object of class list}\cr \code{ probesToChrom = ...., # Object of class ANY}\cr \code{ chromInfo = ...., # Object of class numeric}\cr \code{ geneSymbols = ...., # Object of class ANY}\cr \code{ )}} \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{organism}:}{Object of class "character". The organism that these genes correspond to.} \item{\code{dataSource}:}{Object of class "character". The source of the gene data.} \item{\code{chromLocs}:}{Object of class "list". A list which provides specific location information for every gene.} \item{\code{probesToChrom}:}{An object with an environment-like API which will translate a probe identifier to chromosome it belongs to.} \item{\code{chromInfo}:}{A numerical vector representing each chromosome, where the names are the names of the chromosomes and the values are their lengths} \item{\code{geneSymbols}:}{An environment or an object with environment-like API that maps a probe ID to the appropriate gene symbol} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{chromLengths}{(chromLocation): Gets the lengths of the chromosome for this organism} \item{chromLocs}{(chromLocation): Gets the 'chromLocs' attribute.} \item{chromNames}{(chromLocation): Gets the name of the chromosomes for this organism} \item{dataSource}{(chromLocation): Gets the 'dataSource' attribute.} \item{probesToChrom}{(chromLocation): Gets the 'probesToChrom' attribute.} \item{nChrom}{(chromLocation): gets the number of chromosomes this organism has} \item{organism}{(chromLocation): gets the 'organism' attribute.} \item{chromInfo}{Gets the 'chromInfo' attribute.} \item{geneSymbols}{Gets the 'geneSymbols' attribute.} } } \seealso{\code{\link{buildChromLocation}}} \examples{ library("hgu95av2.db") z <- buildChromLocation("hgu95av2") ## find the number of chromosomes nChrom(z) ## Find the names of the chromosomes chromNames(z) ## get the organism this object refers to organism(z) ## get the lengths of the chromosomes in this object chromLengths(z) } \keyword{classes}