\name{aqListGOIDs} \alias{aqListGOIDs} \title{List GO Identifiers by GO Ontology} \description{ This function returns a character vector of all GO identifiers in the specified ontologies: Biological Process (BP), Cellular Component (CC), Molecular Function (MF). } \usage{ aqListGOIDs(ont) } \arguments{ \item{ont}{A character vector specifying the two-letter codes of the ontologies from which all GO IDs will be retrieved. Entries must be one of \code{"BP"}, \code{"CC"}, or \code{"MF"}.} } \value{ A character vector of GO IDs. The vector will contain all GO IDs in the GO ontologies specified by the \code{ont} argument. } \author{Seth Falcon} \examples{ ## all GO IDs in BP bp_ids = aqListGOIDs("BP") length(bp_ids) ## all GO IDs in BP or CC bp_or_cc_ids = aqListGOIDs(c("BP", "CC")) length(bp_or_cc_ids) } \keyword{manip}