\name{annPkgName} \alias{annPkgName} \title{Get annotation package name from chip name} \description{ This function returns the name of the Bioconductor annotation data package that corresponds to the specified chip or genome. The \code{type} argument is used to request an annotation package with a particular backing store. } \usage{ annPkgName(name, type = c("db", "env")) } \arguments{ \item{name}{string specifying the name of the chip or genome. For example, \code{"hgu133plus2"}} \item{type}{Either \code{"db"} or \code{"env"}. This will determine whether the package name returned corresponds to the SQLite-based annotation package or environment-based package, respectively.} } \value{ a string giving the name of the annotation data package } \author{Seth Falcon} \seealso{ \code{\link{getAnnMap}} } \examples{ annPkgName("hgu133plus2", type="db") annPkgName("hgu133plus2", type="env") } \keyword{manip}