\name{UniGeneQuery} \alias{UniGeneQuery} \title{Create a Query String for a UniGene Identifier } \description{ Given a set of UniGene identifiers this function creates a set of URLs that an be used to either open a browser to the requested location or that can be used as anchors in the construction of HTML output. } \usage{ UniGeneQuery(query, UGaddress="UniGene/", type="CID") } \arguments{ \item{query}{The UniGene identifiers. } \item{UGaddress}{ The address of UniGene, within the NCBI repository.} \item{type}{What type of object is being asked for; eithe CID or UGID } } \details{ Using published details from NCBI we construct an appropriate string for directing a web browser to the information available at the NCBI for that genomic product (usually an EST). } \value{ A character vector containing the query string. } \references{NCBI, \url{http://www.ncbi.nih.gov/} } \author{Robert Gentleman} \note{Be very careful about automatically querying this resource. It is considered antisocial behavior by the owners. } \seealso{} \examples{ q1<-UniGeneQuery(c("Hs.293970", "Hs.155650")) q1 if( interactive()) browseURL(q1[1]) } \keyword{interface}