\name{PMIDAmat} \alias{PMIDAmat} \title{A function to compute the probe to PubMed id incidence matrix.} \description{ For a given chip or a given set of genes, it computes the mapping from probes to PubMed id. } \usage{ PMIDAmat(pkg, gene=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{pkg}{The package name of the chip for which the incidence matrix should be computed.} \item{gene}{A character vector of interested probe set ids or NULL (default).} } \details{ Not much to say, just find which probes are associated with which PubMed ids and return the incidence matrix, with PubMed ids as rows and probes as columns. To specify a set of probes to use, let the argument \code{gene} to be a vector of probe ids. Bt this way, the calculations are not involved with non-interested genes/PubMed ids so that the whole process could finish soon. } \value{ A matrix containing zero or one, depending on whether the probe (column) is associated with a PubMed id (row). } \author{R. Gentleman} \examples{ library("hgu95av2.db") probe <- names(as.list(hgu95av2ACCNUM)) Amat <- PMIDAmat("hgu95av2", gene=sample(probe, 10)) } \keyword{manip}