\name{GO2heatmap} \alias{GO2heatmap} \alias{KEGG2heatmap} \alias{KEGG2heatmap,character,eSet,character-method} \alias{KEGG2heatmap,character,matrix,character-method} \title{Compute a heatmap for the specified data, for either a GO category or a KEGG pathway.} \description{ For a given GO category or KEGG pathway, all probes in the supplied data are mapped to the pathway and a heatmap is produced. } \usage{ GO2heatmap(x, eset, data, ...) KEGG2heatmap(x, eset, data, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{The name of the category or pathway.} \item{eset}{An \code{ExpressionSet} providing the data.} \item{data}{The name of the chip.} \item{\dots}{Additional parameters to pass to \code{heatmap}.} } \details{ For the given pathway or GO category all matching probes are determined, these are used to subset the data and \code{heatmap} is invoked on that set of data. Extra parameters can be passed through to \code{heatmap} using the \code{\dots} parameter. The \code{annotation} slot of the \code{eset} argument is used to determine the appropriate annotation data to use. } \value{ The value returned by \code{heatmap} is passed back to the user. } \author{R. Gentleman } \seealso{\code{\link{heatmap}}} \examples{ library("hgu95av2.db") data(sample.ExpressionSet) KEGG2heatmap("04810", sample.ExpressionSet, "hgu95av2") } \keyword{manip}