\name{params.dilution} \alias{params.dilution} \docType{data} \title{ Parameters for the Dilution dataset } \description{ PDNN parameters for the Dilution dataset } \usage{data(params.dilution)} \format{ The format is: List of 6 $ lambda :List of 12625 (probesets) ... $ Bs : num [1:4] 111.9 57.3 120.5 50.1 $ Ns : num [1:4] 2967 2998 2992 2999 $ Fs : num [1:4] 0.607 0.662 0.600 0.656 $ names.abatch: chr [1:12625] "1000\\_at" "1001\\_at" "1002\\_f\\_at" ... $ names.i : int [1:12625] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... } \details{ These data are provided to reduce the time needed to run the vignette. } \examples{ data(params.dilution) } \keyword{datasets}