\name{read.celfile.header} \alias{read.celfile.header} \title{Read header information from cel file} \description{ This function reads some of the header information (appears before probe intensity data) from the supplied cel file. } \usage{read.celfile.header(filename,info=c("basic","full"),verbose=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{name of CEL file. May be fully pathed} \item{info}{A string. \code{basic} returns the dimensions of the chip and the name of the CDF file used when the CEL file was produced. \code{full} returns more information in greater detail.} \item{verbose}{a \code{\link{logical}}. When true the parsing routine prints more information, typically useful for debugging.} } \value{ A \code{list} data structure. } \author{B. M. Bolstad } \keyword{IO}