\name{readin} \alias{readin} \alias{read.spikein} \alias{read.newspikein} \alias{read.dilution} \title{Read Expression Date Sets} \description{ Reads a comma-delimited file containing the expression values of the dilution and spike-in data sets and creates a \code{\link[Biobase]{ExpressionSet}} } \usage{ read.dilution(filename) read.spikein(filename,cdfName=c("hgu95a","hgu133a"),remove.xhyb=TRUE) read.newspikein(filename) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{character containing the filename to be read.} \item{cdfName}{are we reading data from the hgu95a or hgu133a spike-in experiment?} \item{remove.xhyb}{logical. If \code{TRUE} possible cross hybridizers are removed from the HGU133A spikein. See \code{\link{remove.hgu133a.xhyb}}.} } \details{ The file to be read must be comma-delimited with the first row containing the cel filenames (case sensitive). The first column must be the Affymetrix gene identifiers. \code{read.dilution} will put things in the right place. \code{read.newspikein} is a wrapper to read results from the hgu133a spikein experiment. } \value{An \code{\link[Biobase]{ExpressionSet}}. } \author{Rafael A. Irizarry} \keyword{manip}