\name{assessAll} \alias{assessAll} \alias{affycomp} \title{Assessment functions} \description{ Assessment functions. Takes a couple of \code{\link[Biobase]{ExpressionSet-class}}, one for spike in another for the dilution and returns a list with necessary information to create assessment plots.} \usage{ assessAll(d,s,method.name=NULL,verbose=TRUE) affycomp(d,s,method.name=NULL,verbose=TRUE,return.it=TRUE) } %- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{d}{An \code{\link[Biobase]{ExpressionSet-class}} containing the expression measures for the Gene Logic's dilution experiment.} \item{s}{An \code{\link[Biobase]{ExpressionSet-class}} containing expression measures for the Affymetrix's spike-in experiment.} \item{method.name}{Name of expression measure being assessed.} \item{verbose}{verbosity flag.} \item{return.it}{if \code{TRUE} returns assessment lists.} } \details{ \code{assessAll} performs assessments for Figures 1-6. It is a wrapper for \code{assessDilution} and \code{assessSpikeIn}. \code{affycomp} is a wrapper that does it all... including the plotting and creation of table. } \value{ Lists with the necessary information to make the Figures. } \author{Rafael A. Irizarry} \keyword{manip}