\name{removeDistributedFiles} \alias{removeDistributedFiles} \alias{removeFilesSF} \alias{accessFilesSF} \title{Remove distributed files from slaves} \description{ This function removes distributed files from a special path at the disk at all slaves in a computer cluster. } \usage{ removeDistributedFiles(cluster, path=tempdir(), verbose = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{cluster}{ A cluster object obtained from the function \link[snow:snow-startstop]{makeCluster} in the \code{SNOW} package. } \item{path}{ A \code{character} that defines which path (inclusive files) should be removed at every slave. Default: tempdir() } \item{verbose}{ A logical value. If \code{TRUE} it writes out some messages.} } \details{ This function removes distributed files from a special path at the disk at all slaves in a computer cluster. For using this function a computer cluster using the \code{SNOW} package has to be started. } \value{ If \code{verbose = TRUE}, result of removing (successfully / not successfully) will be noticed with a message. } \author{ Markus Schmidberger \email{schmidb@ibe.med.uni-muenchen.de}, Ulrich Mansmann \email{mansmann@ibe.med.uni-muenchen.de} } \examples{ \dontrun{ library(affyPara) c1 <- makeCluster(10) removeDistributedFiles(c1, verbose=TRUE) stopCluster(c1) } } \keyword{programming}