\name{adSplit} \alias{adSplit} \title{Annotation-Driven Splits} \description{ This function searches for annotation-driven splits of patients in microarray data. A split is a partitionning of patients into two groups. In order to do so it referes to GO terms and KEGG pathways. In addition, a significance measure can be computed by simulating a random distribution of scores. DLD-scores are used to judge the quality of a split. } \usage{ adSplit(mydata, annotation.ids, chip.name, min.probes = 20, max.probes = NULL, B = NULL, min.group.size = 5, ngenes = 50, ignore.genes = 5) } \arguments{ \item{mydata}{either an expression set as defined by the package \code{Biobase} or a matrix of expression levels (rows=genes, columns=samples).} \item{annotation.ids}{a vector of GO or KEGG identifiers in the form "GO:..." or "KEGG:..." respectively. The prefix "KEGG:" is removed from the KEGG-identifiers before accessing the chip's "...PATH2PROBES" hash.} \item{chip.name}{the name of the chip by which the expression set is measured. \code{adSplit} attempts to load a library of the same name and expects to find a hash called "GO2ALLPROBES" and one called "PATH2PROBES" there.} \item{min.probes}{annotation identifiers with fewer than this associated genes are skipped.} \item{max.probes}{annotation identifiers with more than this associated genes are skipped. The default is ten percent of the genes on the chip.} \item{B}{the number of random gene set samplings to be performed to compute empirical p-values.} \item{min.group.size}{filter criteria to avoid splits suggesting tiny groups. Splits where one of the two suggested groups are smaller than this number are removed from the split set.} \item{ngenes}{number of genes used to compute DLD scores.} \item{ignore.genes}{number of best scoring genes to be ignored when computing DLD scores.} } \details{ This function applies the same splitting procedure to all annotation identifiers provided. Firstly, the associated genes for one identifier are determined and extracted from the expression data. Then the \code{diana2means} function is applied to the restricted data and the different splits generated are collected into a single \code{splitSet} object. As annotation identifiers vectors of identifiers of the \code{KEGG:nnnnn} and \code{GO:nnnnnn} are valid. In addition, the keywords "KEGG", "GO" and "all" are allowed, representing all terms in the corresponding ontology. If \code{B} is set to a integer number this number of samplings are used to generate a null-distribution of DLD-scores. This distribution is used to compute empirical p-values for each split. If more than one valid split is found, multiple testing is corrected for by applying Benjamini-Hochbergs correction from the multtest package. } \value{ Returns an object of class \code{splitSet} with the following list elements: \item{cuts}{a matrix of split attributions. One row per annotation identifier (GO term or KEGG pathway for which a split has been generated. One column per object in the dataset.} \item{score}{one score per generated split.} \item{pvalue}{one empirical p-value per generated split, or \code{NULL}} \item{qvalue}{one q-value computed according Benjamini-Hochberg's correction for multiple testing per generated split, or \code{NULL}} } \author{Claudio Lottaz, Joern Toedling} \seealso{\code{\link{diana2means}}, \code{\link{randomDiana2means}}, \code{\link{image.splitSet}}} \examples{ # prepare data library(golubEsets) data(Golub_Merge) # generate annotation-driven splits for apoptosis and signal transduction x <- adSplit(Golub_Merge, "GO:0006915", "hu6800") x <- adSplit(Golub_Merge, c("GO:0007165","GO:0006915"), "hu6800", max.probes=7000) # generate a split for glutamate metabolism including # an empirical p-value x <- adSplit(Golub_Merge, "KEGG:00251", "hu6800", B=100) \dontrun{ # generate splits for all KEGG pathways. x <- adSplit(Golub_Merge, "KEGG", "hu6800") image(x) } } \keyword{datagen}