\name{mergeFunc} \alias{mergeFunc} \alias{mergeHmmStates} %- Also NEED an `\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Funtion to merge states based on their state means} \description{ \code{mergeFunc} takes the output of hmm.run.func (or find.hmm.states) with a particular model selection criterion and iteratively merges the states with means closer than a supplied threshold. \code{mergeHmmStates} is a frontend for \code{mergeFunc} using \code{\link{aCGH}} object. } \usage{ mergeHmmStates(aCGH.obj, model.use = 1, minDiff = 0.25) mergeFunc(statesres = states.bic, minDiff = 0.1) } %- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{aCGH.obj}{ Object of class \code{\link{aCGH}}. } \item{statesres}{the sublist of the states.hmm list output from \code{\link{find.hmm.states}} for a given model selection crterion } \item{minDiff}{The states whose predicted values are less than minDiff apart are merged into one state and all the predicited values are recomputed. } \item{model.use}{ Model selection criterion to use, See \code{\link{find.hmm.states}}. } } \details{ This function is intended to reduce effect of the possible small magnitude technological artifacts on the structure determination. } \value{ List containing states.hmm object is returned. } \references{Application of Hidden Markov Models to the analysis of the array CGH data, Fridlyand et.al., \emph{JMVA}, 2004 } \author{Jane Fridlyand} \seealso{\code{\link{aCGH}}, \code{\link{find.hmm.states}}} \keyword{models}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS