\name{genotypeEmission} \alias{genotypeEmission} \title{Emission probabilities for di-allelic genotype calls} \description{ Emission probabilities for di-allelic genotype calls } \usage{ genotypeEmission(genotypes, states, probHomCall, probMissing, verbose=TRUE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{genotypes}{matrix of integers (1=AA, 2=AB, 3=BB, 4=other)} \item{states}{character string of hidden states} \item{probHomCall}{numeric: probability of a homozygous genotype call specified in the same order as the hidden states} \item{probMissing}{numeric: probability of a missing genotype call specified in the same order as the hidden states} \item{verbose}{logical} } \details{ By default, missing genotype calls will be assumed to be independent of the hidden state. This is not always appropriate, but is easiest to implement in terms of a default. } \value{ \item{array}{Array of emission probabilities. Dimension 1: SNPs, Dimension 2: samples, Dimension3: states} } \keyword{methods}