\name{genomicDistance} \alias{genomicDistance} \alias{tau} \alias{genomicDistance<-} \title{A rough estimate of the genomic distance between SNPs} \description{ Calculates the genomic distance between SNPs as a function of the physical distance. This distance is used for calculating transition probabilities in the viterbi algorithm. } \usage{ genomicDistance(object) tau(object) genomicDistance(object) <- value } \arguments{ \item{object}{ An object inheriting from \code{HmmOptions}} \item{value}{A vector of length T - 1, where T is the number of SNPs} } \details{ The genomic distance is calculated as exp(-2*d), where d is the physical distance in 100MB units. In the Viterbi algorithm, the probability of remaining in state S at SNP t+1 is the genomic distance. The probability of transitioning to one of the alternative states is 1 - the genomic distance. The \code{transitionScale} function can be used to give more weight to transitioning back to the baseline ('normal') state. } \value{ A numeric vector with length T-1. } \author{R. Scharpf} \seealso{\code{\link{transitionScale}}} \keyword{methods}