\name{showTypeInfo} \docType{methods} \alias{showTypeInfo} \alias{showTypeInfo,ANY-method} \alias{showTypeInfo,function-method} \alias{showTypeInfo,SimultaneousTypeSpecification-method} \alias{showTypeInfo,IndependentTypeSpecification-method} \alias{showTypeInfo,TypedSignature-method} \alias{showTypeInfo,InheritsTypeTest-method} \alias{showTypeInfo,StrictIsTypeTest-method} \alias{showTypeInfo,DynamicTypeTest-method} \title{Display information about argument types} \description{ This generic function returns type specifications as a list. Elements in the list contain information about different parts of the signature. The order and white spece of the list suggests structure of the type specification. \code{showTypeInfo} is usually invoked with a single argument, the name of the function with type information. } \usage{ showTypeInfo(object, name=character(), prefix="", ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{The object about which type information is required} \item{name}{Class name, not normally specified by user.} \item{prefix}{Used by methods to ensure pretty indentation type specifications.} \item{...}{Additional arguments used for derivatives of \code{NamedTypeTest}, not noramlly assigned by user.} } \details{ } \value{ A list containing type information for \code{def} } \references{} \author{MT Morgan } \note{} \seealso{ \code{\link{typeInfo}} } \examples{ foo <- function(x) { return(x) } typeInfo( foo ) <- SimultaneousTypeSpecification( TypedSignature( x = "numeric" ), returnType = "numeric" ) res <- showTypeInfo( foo ) cat( res, sep="\n" ) } \keyword{programming} \keyword{interface}