\name{rewriteTypeCheck} \alias{rewriteTypeCheck} \title{Insert code to support type validation} \description{ This generic function and its methods are used to modify the expressions in the body of a function in order to support the validation of type information in calls to this function. This changes the form of explicit calls to \code{return}, modifies the last expression if it is not an explicit call to return, and adds an initial command to compute check the arguments in the cal via \code{\link{checkArgs}}. } \usage{ rewriteTypeCheck(f, doReturn = TRUE, checkArgs = TRUE, addInvisible = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{f}{the object which is to be modified to add the information for checking the return value and checking the input arguments. These are functions, expressions, calls, and other language objects.} \item{doReturn}{a logical value. If this is \code{FALSE}, the modifications are greatly simplified and no additions are made to handle the validation of the return value. This is used when the type information provides no information about the return type and so it cannot be validated or constrained.} \item{checkArgs}{a logical value indicating whether the modifications should including check the arguments. If the only type information given is about the return type, no checking of the arguments is necessary (in the current model). } \item{addInvisible}{logical indicating whether returned argument needs to be cloaked in \code{invisible}.} } \details{ } \value{ The potentially modified version of the original input argument. The modifications contain any necessary changes to support the type checking at run-time. } \references{} \author{Duncan Temple Lang } \note{} \seealso{ \code{\link{typeInfo}} \code{\link{checkArgs}} \code{\link{checkReturnValue}} } \examples{ f = function(x, y) { z = x + y sum(z) } } \keyword{IO} \keyword{programming}