\name{createGOMatrix} \alias{createGOMatrix} \title{A function to create the bipartite graph (BG) incidence matrix from the protein complexes parsed from the GO Database} \description{ This function takes the output from the \code{\link{getGOInfo}} function and creates the bipartite graph (BG) incidence matrix from the output. } \usage{ createGOMatrix(cMembers) } \arguments{ \item{cMembers}{A named list consisting of vectors. Each list item is named by a protein complex GO ID and points to a character vector where each character vector consists of the proteins composing of that protein complex.} } \value{ A bipartite graph matrix of the corresponding GO protein complexes where the rows are indexed by the protein names and the colunms by GO ID's. } \author{Tony Chiang} \examples{ #cMembers = getGOInfo(wantAllComplexes = FALSE) #createGOMatrix(cMembers) } \keyword{datagen} \keyword{array}