\name{ScISI2html} \alias{ScISI2html} \title{A function that generates an html page for the GO and MIPs protein complexes} \description{ This function takes a vector or url's and a vector of the protein complex description names (known names of the protein complexes) and creates an html file that lets the user link to each of the protein complex description site based on the particular url. } \usage{ ScISI2html(urlVect, linkName, filename, title, othernames, table.head, table.center = TRUE, compSize=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{urlVect}{A character vector containing the url for each speficied protein complex} \item{linkName}{A character vector containing a description name for each of the url's in urlVect that will be the anchor for the url} \item{filename}{The output file; an html file written to the home directory} \item{title}{The title given to the html file} \item{othernames}{Other titles that are needed; sub-titles} \item{table.head}{The title for the table} \item{table.center}{Logical; to center the table} \item{compSize}{A numeric vector of the complex sizes for the various protein complexes of GO and MIPS} } \value{ An html file written to the user's home directory. The file contains a page of links (given by the url's) where each link is anchored by a description name for each url. } \author{Tony Chiang} \examples{ #go = getGOInfo(wantAllComplexes = FALSE) #goM = createGOMatrix(go) #goDF = createGODataFrame(go, goM) #goOb = createYeastDataObj(goDF) #goNames = colnames(goM) #url = vector(length = length(goNames)) #for(i in 1:length(goNames)){ # url[i] = getURL(goOb, goNames[i]) #} #ScISI2html(url, goNames, test, GO Complexes) } \keyword{datagen}