\name{SLqPCRdata} \alias{SLqPCRdata} \docType{data} \title{ SIRS-Lab inhouse qPCR data } \description{ This data is part of a SIRS-Lab inhouse real-time quantitative PCR experiment. } \usage{data(SLqPCRdata)} \format{ A data frame with 16 observations on the following 4 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{Gene1}}{a numeric vector, average take-off values of gene 1 } \item{\code{Gene2}}{a numeric vector, average take-off values of gene 2 } \item{\code{HK1}}{a numeric vector, average take-off values of housekeeper 1 } \item{\code{HK2}}{a numeric vector, average take-off values of housekeeper 2 } } } \details{ The row names of this data set indicate the probes which were investigated. The take-off values are mean values of three replicates. } \source{ \url{www.sirs-lab.com} } \references{ \url{www.sirs-lab.com} } \examples{ data(SLqPCRdata) SLqPCRdata } \keyword{datasets}