\name{modelSLGI} \alias{modelSLGI} \title{Permutation model for assessing synthetic genetic interactions in cellular organizational units.} \description{ Permutation model for assessing synthetic genetic interactions within and between cellular organizational units such as multi-protein complexes. } \usage{ modelSLGI(iMat, universe, interactome, type="intM", perm=50) } \arguments{ \item{iMat}{Adjacency matrix reporting genetic interactions. Each entry has value 0 or 1, representing positive or negative interaction of corresponding pairs of row and column.} \item{universe}{character vector of the names of the tested genes, e.g., names of the genes on the synthetic genetic array (SGA) used by Tong et al.} \item{interactome}{Adjacency matrix where row are genes and columns are cellular organizational units. Each entry has value 0 or 1, for absence or presence of a gene in a complex.} \item{type}{Character vector of value "intM" (Default) or "interactome" to either perform the test based on to the genetic interaction matrix or the interactome, respectively.} \item{perm}{Number of permutations to apply. Default is 50.} } \value{ Interaction matrix between cellular organizational units. } \author{N. LeMeur} \seealso{\code{\link{getInteraction}}} \examples{ data(ScISIC) data(Atong) data(SGA) model <- modelSLGI(Atong, universe= SGA, interactome=ScISIC, type="intM", perm=2) } \keyword{data} \keyword{manip}