\name{getTestedPairs} \alias{getTestedPairs} \title{ Find interacting and non-interacting tested pairs from an genetic interaction matrix.} \description{ \code{getTestedPairs} find all the pairs from an interaction matrix and a list of tested genes. } \usage{getTestedPairs(iMat, respV)} \arguments{ \item{iMat}{Adjacency matrix reporting genetic Interactions. Each entry has value 0 or 1, representing positive or negative interaction of corresponding pairs of row and column, respectively.} \item{respV}{ Character vector of all gene names that were tested (found to interact or not) } } \value{ A data.frame with 4 columns: \item{query}{gene names of the query genes} \item{array}{gene names og the tested genes (e.g., array genes)} \item{interact}{numeric vector of the number of observed interactions (0: no interaction; 1: one interaction; 2: two interactions when the query genes were also on the array)} \item{recip}{logical to indicate whether the reported genes were both query and array genes (TRUE: both genes were query and array genes)}. } \author{ N. LeMeur } \seealso{ \code{\link{getSharedDomains}} \code{\link{getUniquePairs}}} \examples{ intM <- c(0,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0) dim(intM) <- c(4,4) dimnames(intM) <- list(c("p1","p2","p3","p4"),c("p1","p3","p5","p7") ) respV <- c("p6","p8") intM getTestedPairs(intM,respV) } \keyword{ methods }