\name{TFmat} \alias{TFmat} \docType{data} \title{ Transcription Factor Binding Affinities} \description{ The data are from Lee et al, the rows of the matrix represent genes in S. cerevisiae, the columns known transcription factor. The value in each entry represents the p-value, as reported by Lee et al, for the transcription factor (TF) binding upstream of the gene. } \usage{data(TFmat)} \format{ \code{TFmat} is a matrix, rows represent genes, columns transcription factors and the elements are p-values representing some notion of the likelihood that the transcription factor binds up stream of the gene. } \author{Z. Jiang} \source{ Supplementary material from \url{http://web.wi.mit.edu/young/regulator_network/} } \references{ Transcriptional Regulatory Networks in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Lee et al. Science 298:799-804 (2002). } \examples{ data(TFmat) } \keyword{datasets}