\name{SDL} \alias{SDL} \alias{SLchr} \docType{data} \title{ The Association matrix for the synthetic dosage lethal screens in Yeast. } \description{ The data reported in Table 6 of the supplementary data of Measday et. al. } \usage{ data(SDL) data(SLchr) } \format{ \code{SDL} is a matrix with 141 rows and 9 columns. The columns represent 3 genes at each of 3 temperatures (16, 25, 37 Celsius). The gene names and temperatures are combined in the column names. The row names are yeast standard names. The values are \code{NA}, no effect, \code{SDS} for synthetic dosage sick, \code{SL} for synthetic lethal and \code{SDL} for synthetic dosage lethal. \code{SLchr} is a matrix with 84 rows and 14 columns. Each column represents a query strain which was tested against the genome wide set of deletion strains. The entries can be \code{NA} for no effect, \code{SL} for synthetic lethal and \code{SS} for synthetic sick. } \source{ Supplementary Table 6 of the reference given below. } \references{ Systematic yeast synthetic lethal and synthetic dosage lethal screens identify genes required for chromosome segregation. Measday et al, PNAS, 2005, 13956-13961. } \examples{ data(SDL) table(SDL) } \keyword{datasets}