\name{Atong} \docType{data} \alias{Atong} \alias{tong2004raw} \title{Systematic genetic analysis with ordered arrays of yeast deletion Tong et. al. (2004).} \description{ Data from Tong et. al. (2004) buffering experiments using ordered arrays of yeast deletion design by Tong et. al. (2001). } \usage{ data(Atong) data(tong2004raw) } \format{ \code{tong2004Raw} is dataframe extracted from Table S1 of Tong et al. (2004) online supporting material. We added an extra column, queryGene.sysName, which is the systematic names of the query genes. \describe{ \item{queryGene.geneName}{Column indicates the gene used as query in the synthetic genetic array screen (SGA).} \item{Int.geneName}{Column indicates the gene identified as an interactor with a particular query.} \item{Int.sysName}{Column indicates the systematic name of the open reading frame (ORF) that corresponds to the interactor gene.} \item{Score}{An interaction scored three times in the three runs by visual inspection received a scored of 3. An interaction scored twice in the three in the runs by visual inspection received a scored of 2. An interaction scored by the computer-based image analysis but not visual inspection received a scored of 1. For interactions that scored once in the three runs by visual inspection confirmation was attempted only for those genes pairs related functions. Such confirmed interactions received a score of 0.} \item{RSA}{Column identifies an interaction that was confirmed by random spore analysis.} \item{Tetrad}{Column identifies an interaction confirmed by tetrad analysis.} \item{SS}{Refers to synthetic sick interaction.} \item{SL}{Refers to synthetic lethal interaction.} \item{Functional.Role}{Column indicates the assigned GO functional annotation from their defined subset of annotations.All the interactions are identified in this study unless otherwise stated.} \item{References}{Genetic Interactions that have been previously described.} \item{queryGene.sysName}{Column indicates the systematic (ORF) name of the gene used as query in a SGA screen.} } \code{Atong} is a 132 by 1008 adjacency matrix of the systematic genetic interactions identified between 132 query genes and the deletion gene set (Tong et al. 2001; see \code{\link[SLGI]{SGA}} for more details). The row names correspond to the systematic (ORF) names for the 132 query genes. The column names correspond to the systematic (ORF) names of the 1011 reporter genes, which showed a synthetic lethal or synthetic sick interaction with at least one query genes. Values are 0 or 1, with a 1 indicating the occurrence of the genetic interaction between the gene pairs. } \source{ Tong et al, Science. Vol.303, 2004. } \references{ Global Mapping of the Yeast Genetic Interaction Network, Tong et al, Science Vol.303, 2004. \url{http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/data/303/5659/808/DC1/1} } \seealso{ \code{\link[SLGI]{SGA}} } \examples{ data(Atong) dim(Atong) } \keyword{datasets}