\name{rank.trend} \alias{rank.trend} \title{Trens analysis based on ranks} \description{Ranks are used to score genes with respect to degree of agreement to a given trend or pattern, Lehmann (1974) p.294.} \usage{ rank.trend(data = x, pattern = c(1:ncol(data)), har = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{data}{A data frame with one array in each column} \item{pattern} {A permutation of the integers 1:ncol(data)} \item{har}{logical parameter indicating whether or not a score based on Hardy's theorem shall be calculated.} } \value{ A list with the components \item{score}{the rank score for each gene} \item{hardy}{if har = TRUE the hardy score, NULL otherwise} \item{pvals}{the p-values for the null hypothesis of no trend} } \details{The rank scores gives a higher weight to a deviation from trend in more distant obseveations than a deviation between neighbouring observations. The p-values are calculated through a normal approximation.} \references{ Lehmann, E.L. (1975) Nonparametrics: Statistical Methods Based on Ranks, Holden-Day} \author{Per Broberg} \examples{ # not run D <- c(123, 334, 578, 762, 755, 890) rank.trend(data = t(as.matrix(D)), har = TRUE) # Trend score Hardy score p-value for no trend # [1,] 2 90 0.01750284 } \keyword{robust}