\name{fit-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{fit} \alias{fit-methods} \alias{fit,RtreemixData,numeric-method} \title{Method for fitting mutagenetic trees mixture model to a given dataset} \description{ Function for fitting a mutagenetic trees mixture model to a given dataset \code{data}. The dataset and the number of trees \code{K} have to be specified. The function estimates K-oncogenetic trees mixture model from the specified data by using an EM-like learning algorithm. The first tree component of the model has a star topology and is referred to as the noise component. } \details{ When K = 1 and noise = FALSE a single mutagenetic tree is fit to the data. When K = 1 and noise = TRUE a star mutagenetic tree is fit to the data. If K > 1 the first mutagenetic tree is always the star, i.e. the case K > 1 and noise = FALSE is not possible. } \usage{ \S4method{fit}{RtreemixData,numeric}(data, K, ...) } \arguments{ \item{data}{An \code{RtreemixData} object giving the dataset used for learning the trees mixture model.} \item{K}{An \code{integer} larger than 0 specifying the number of branchings in the mixture model.} \item{...}{ \code{no.start.sol} is an \code{integer} larger than 0 specifying the number of starting solutions for the k-means algorithm. The default value is 100. \code{eps} is a \code{numeric} giving the minimum conditional probability to include edge. The default value is 0.01. \code{weighing} is a \code{logical} specifying whether to use special weights log(Pr(v)) for the edges (root, v). The default value is \code{FALSE}. \code{equal.edgeweights} is a \code{logical} specifying whether to use equal edge weights in the noise component. The default value is \code{TRUE}. When you have few data samples always use its default value (\code{TRUE}) to ensure nonzero probabilities for all possible patterns (sets of events). \code{seed} is a positive \code{integer} specifying the random generator seed. The default value is (-1) and then the time is used as a random generator. \code{noise} is a \code{logical} indicating the presence of a noise (star) component in the fitted mixture model. It is mostly relevant for models with a single tree component, since it is assumed that mixture models with at least two components always have the noise as a first component. } } \value{ The method returns an \code{RtreemixModel} object that represents the K-trees mixture model learned from the given dataset. } \references{Learning multiple evolutionary pathways from cross-sectional data, N. Beerenwinkel et al.} \author{Jasmina Bogojeska} \note{ When you have too few data samples always use the default value \code{TRUE} for the \code{equal.edgeweights}. Like this you make sure that all possible patterns (sets of events) have non-zero probabilities. If they don't the fitting procedure will not be completed and you will get an error! } \seealso{ \code{\link{RtreemixData-class}}, \code{\link{RtreemixModel-class}}, \code{\link{generate-methods}}, \code{\link{bootstrap-methods}}, \code{\link{confIntGPS-methods}} } \examples{ ## Create an RtreemixData object from a randomly generated RtreemixModel object. rand.mod <- generate(K = 3, no.events = 9, noise.tree = TRUE, prob = c(0.2, 0.8)) data <- sim(model = rand.mod, no.draws = 300) show(data) ## Create an RtreemixModel object by fitting model to the given data. mod <- fit(data = data, K = 3, equal.edgeweights = TRUE, noise = TRUE) show(mod) ## See the number of tree components in the mixture model. numTrees(mod) ## See the weights of the branchings from the fitted mixture model. Weights(mod) ## See a specific tree component k. getTree(object = mod, k = 2) } \keyword{methods}