\name{redlWorld-class} \docType{class} \alias{redlWorld-class} \alias{freeRedl,redlWorld-method} \alias{getStatus,redlWorld-method} \alias{makeRedlURI,character,redlWorld-method} \alias{ref,redlWorld-method} \alias{setStatus,redlWorld-method} \alias{show,redlWorld-method} \alias{openRedlWorld} \alias{redlWorld} \title{Class "redlWorld" for representing RDF worlds using Redland librdf } \description{ represents RDF worlds using Redland librdf } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("redlWorld", ...)}. In general only one open world should exist in any session. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{ref}:}{Object of class \code{"externalptr"}, pointer to malloc'd memory for the librdf\_world instance } \item{\code{stateEnv}:}{Object of class \code{"environment"}, holds information on status of world instance } } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{freeRedl}{\code{signature(x = "redlWorld")}: execute free and close methods of librdf } \item{getStatus}{\code{signature(x = "redlWorld")}: obtain the status string from the R instance } \item{makeRedlURI}{\code{signature(uri = "character", w = "redlWorld")}: create a URI reference in the current world } \item{setStatus}{\code{signature(x = "redlWorld")}: set the status field with a string. Use any value other than 'open' to close the world from the perspective of R.} \item{show}{\code{signature(object = "redlWorld")}: print simple report. } } } \references{ \url{librdf.org} } \author{ VJ Carey } \examples{ nw = openRedlWorld(.force=TRUE) nw } \keyword{classes}