\name{parseComplex} \alias{parseComplex} \alias{parseInteractor} \alias{parseExperiment} \title{ Parse complex, interactor and experiment from PSI-MI 2.5 XML node} \description{ Wrappers of internal functions (".parsePsimi25Complex", ".parsePsimi25Interactor", ".parsePsimi25Experiment") to parse nodes from PSI-MI 2.5 XML node. By default these parsers is used in objects of \code{\link{psimi25Source-class}} without any modification. Though they can be overwritten in these objects in special cases, it is not advisory to do so due to the compatibility. } \usage{ parseComplex(x, ...) parseInteractor(x, ...) parseExperiment(x, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ An object of the \code{\link{psimi25Source-class}} } \item{\dots}{ Parameters passed to internal functions} } \value{ Object of \code{\link{psimi25Complex-class}, \code{\link{psimi25Interactor-class}} or \code{\link{psimi25Experiment-class}} } } \author{ Jitao David Zhang , Tony Chiang } \note{ An newly initialized instance of \code{\link{psimi25Source-class}} contains the default form of these functions. Though they are allowd to be overwritten, it is not advisory to do so since this means the file to parse is not fully compatible with PSI-MI 2.5 standard. It is more sensible to contact the data provider before modifying or overwritting these functions. } \keyword{ models }