\name{interactorInfo} \alias{interactorInfo} \title{ Interactor info in a matrix } \description{ The function returns the essential information of interactors in a matrix. Xrefs are left out since they have arbitrary numbers of annotation and cannot be summarized into a matrix. } \usage{ interactorInfo(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ An object which contains psimi25Interactor information, for example objects of \code{\link{psimi25InteractionEntry-class}}, \code{\link{psimi25Graph-class}}, \code{\link{psimi25Hypergraph-class}} or \code{\link{psimi25ComplexEntry-class}} }. } \value{ A matrix of interactor information, each row represents an interactor The columns are \item{sourceDb }{source database} \item{sourceId }{source database index} \item{shortLabel}{short label assigned by the source database} \item{uniprotId}{UniProt ID, NA if not available} \item{organismName}{the organism of the interactor protein} } \author{ Jitao David Zhang } \seealso{\code{\link{xref}}, \code{\link{availableXrefs}}} \examples{ xmlDir <- system.file("/extdata/psi25files",package="RpsiXML") hprdxml <- file.path(xmlDir, "hprd_200709_test.xml") hprdSet <- parsePsimi25Interaction(hprdxml, HPRD.PSIMI25) hprdInteractorInfo <- interactorInfo(hprdSet) } \keyword{ models }