\name{translateNodeID} \alias{translateNodeID} \alias{translateNodeID,intactGraph-method} \title{A function that translates the IntAct accession IDs in an intactGraph to other common identifiers.} \description{ The \code{translateNodeID} takes 2 parameters, an intactGraph and the new ID to which the IntAct accession IDs should be translated. Then for the particular graph object, translateNodeID will map those IntAct accession codes to the other identifiers if possible and re-map the node names. } \usage{ translateNodeID(g,...) } \arguments{ \item{g}{An intactGraph S-4 Class.} \item{...}{The primary use of this generic are as methods for the in intactGraph S-4 class and the intactHyperGraph S-4 class. In both an extra parameter, newID, is needed to detail to what the IntAct accession ID should be mapped. These identifiers are limited to the following: "uniprotId", "geneName", "fullName", "locusName", and "orfName"} } \value{ An \code{intactGraph} S4-class with the nodes re-mapped to the user supplied identifiers. } \references{Rintact: enabling computational analysis of molecular interaction data from the IntAct repository - Tony Chiang; Nianhua Li; Sandra Orchard; Samuel Kerrien; Henning Hermjakob; Robert Gentleman; Wolfgang Huber Bioinformatics 2007; doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btm518.} \author{T Chiang} \seealso{\code{\link{intactGraph-class}}, \code{\link{intactHyperGraph-class}}} \examples{ # parse complex data } \keyword{ models }