\name{separateXMLDataByExpt} \alias{separateXMLDataByExpt} \title{A function that takes a vector of IntAct XML file name locations and converts them to graph objects.} \description{ The separateXMLDataByExpt function takes in a vector of XML files and generates a list of graph objects dividing the data by separately conducted experiments. If a single XML file contains k experimental datasets, then k intactGraph objects will be produced. } \usage{ separateXMLDataByExpt(intactFiles, type="direct", directed=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{intactFiles}{A vector of IntAct XML file name locations, i.e. either where they can be found on the local hard drive or an url to where they can be obtained} \item{type}{A character. Either "direct" or "indirect" based on the ` the information that needs to be parsed.} \item{directed}{A logical. User defined parameter so that the return value with either be a directed or undirected graph object.} } \value{ A list of intactGraph objects. } \references{Rintact: enabling computational analysis of molecular interaction data from the IntAct repository - Tony Chiang; Nianhua Li; Sandra Orchard; Samuel Kerrien; Henning Hermjakob; Robert Gentleman; Wolfgang Huber Bioinformatics 2007; doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btm518.} \author{T Chiang} \seealso{\code{\link{interactionEntry-class}}, \code{\link{complexEntry-class}}, \code{\link{intactXML2Graph}}} \examples{ } \keyword{ models }