\name{renderGraph} \docType{methods} \alias{renderGraph} \alias{renderGraph,graph-method} \title{Render a laid out graph object} \description{ This method uses the \code{renderInfo} slot of a graph object to render it on a plotting device. } \usage{ \S4method{renderGraph}{graph}(x, drawNodes, drawEdges, graph.pars) } \arguments{ \item{x}{An object derived from class \code{graph}} \item{drawNodes}{A function that is used for the node rendering. The details of its API are still undecided. Defaults to \code{renderNodes}} \item{drawEdges}{A function that is used for the edge rendering. Defaults to \code{renderNodes}} \item{graph.pars}{A list of rendering paramters to use as default} \item{\dots}{further arguments} } \details{ This method can render graph objects that have previously been laid out using the function \code{\link{layoutGraph}}. The details for user defined node drawing remain to be decided. } \value{ An object derived from class \code{graph} with information about the coordinates of the nodes in the coordinate system of the plotting device added to the \code{renderInfo} slot. } \author{Florian Hahne} \seealso{ \code{\link{layoutGraph}} } \examples{ library(graph) set.seed(123) V <- letters[1:10] M <- 1:4 g1 <- randomGraph(V, M, 0.8) x <- layoutGraph(g1) x <- renderGraph(x) graphRenderInfo(x,"nativeCoords") } \keyword{methods}