\name{makeNodeAttrs} \alias{makeNodeAttrs} \title{make a list of character vectors that can be used as a value for the nodeAttrs argument in agopen} \description{make a list of character vectors that can be used as a value for the nodeAttrs argument in agopen} \usage{ makeNodeAttrs(g, label=nodes(g), shape="ellipse", fillcolor="#e0e0e0", ...) } \arguments{ \item{g}{graph} \item{label}{character of length either \code{1} or \code{numnodes(g)}. If the length is \code{1}, the value is recycled.} \item{shape}{character of length either \code{1} or \code{numnodes(g)}} \item{fillcolor}{character of length either \code{1} or \code{numnodes(g)}} \item{...}{further named arguments that are character vectors of length either 1 or numNodes(g)} } \details{This function is trivial but convenient.} \value{A list of named character vectors, each of which with length \code{numNodes(g)}.} \author{Wolfgang Huber } \examples{ library(graph) g = randomEGraph(letters[1:10], p=0.2) makeNodeAttrs(g) } \keyword{dplot}