\name{resourcerer2BioC} \alias{resourcerer2BioC} \title{A function that downloads an annotation file from TIGR Resourcerer and then creates a bioC annotation data package} \description{ TIGR Resourcerer maintains various annotation files for Affymetrix or cDNA chips. This function allows users to create a bioC annotation data package for the probes contained in the Resourcerer annotation file. } \usage{ resourcerer2BioC(which, organism = c("human", "mouse", "rat"), destDir = file.path(.path.package("Resourcerer"), "temp"), pkgName, pkgPath, baseMapType = c("gbNRef", "gb", "ug", "ll"), version = "1.1.0", baseUrl = "ftp://occams.dfci.harvard.edu/pub/bio/tgi/data/Resourcerer", check = FALSE, author = list(authors = "Anonymous", maintainer = "Anonymous "), exten = "zip") } \arguments{ \item{which}{\code{which} a character string indicating which Resourcerer annotation file to be read in} \item{destDir}{\code{destDir} a character string for the path of a directory where the downloaded file will be stored. If missing, the temp directory will be the default} \item{baseUrl}{\code{baseUrl} a character string for the url of Resourcerer ftp site where directories containing annotation files for human, rat, mouse ... are stored} \item{baseMapType}{\code{baseMapType} a character string that is either "gb","ug", or "ll" to indicate whether the probe ids in baseName are mapped to GenBack accession numbers, UniGene ids, or LocusLink ids} \item{pkgName}{\code{pkgName} a character string for the name of the data package to be built (e. g. hgu95a, rgu34a)} \item{pkgPath}{\code{pkgPath} a character string for the full path of an existing directory where the built backage will be stored} \item{organism}{\code{organism} a character string for the name of the organism of concern (now can only be "human", "mouse", or "rat")} \item{version}{\code{version} a character string for the version number} \item{author}{\code{author} a list of character strings with an author element for the name of the author and maintainer element for the email address of the author} \item{check}{\code{check} a boolean incicating whether to check the mappings between probe ids and LocusLink ids obtained from Resourcer and bioC AnnBuilder when baseMapType is 'll'} \item{exten}{\code{exten} a character string for the extension (e. g. zip) of the source data file to be processed} } \details{ \code{baseUrl} is the root directory of TIGR ftp site for Resourcerer that contains subdirectories holding data for different organism. } \value{ Function resourcerer2BioC returns invisible() if successfully executed. } \references{\url{http://pga.tigr.org/tigr-scripts/magic/r1.pl}} \author{Jianhua Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{getResourcerer}}} \examples{ ############################################################# ## The example takes a loooong time (about an hour) to run ## ############################################################# if(interactive()){ resourcerer2BioC("Agilent_Human1_cDNA.zip", baseMapType = "gbNRef") unlink(file.path(.path.package("Resourcerer"), "temp", "AgilentHuman1cDNA"), TRUE) } } \keyword{manip}