\name{topGene} \alias{topGene} \title{Output Significant Genes} \description{ Identify differentially expressed genes using rank product method} \usage{ topGene(x,cutoff=NULL,method="pfp",num.gene=NULL,logged=TRUE,logbase=2,gene.names=NULL)} \arguments{ \item{x}{the value returned by the function RP, RP.advance or Rsum.advance } \item{cutoff}{threshold in pfp used to select genes} \item{method} {If cutoff is provided, the method needs to be selected to identify genes."pfp" uses percentage of false prediction, which is the default setting. "pval" used p-value which is less stringent than pfp} \item{num.gene}{number of candidate genes of interests, if cutoff is provided, this will be ignored} \item{logged}{if "TRUE", data has bee logged, otherwise set it to "FALSE"} \item{logbase}{base used when taking log, used to restore the fold change.The default value is 2, this will be ignored if logged=FALSE} \item{gene.names}{if "NULL", no gene name will be attached to the output table} } \value{ Two tables of identified genes with gene.index: index of gene in the original data set RP/Rsum: Computed rank product/sum for each gene FC:(class1/class2): Expression Fold change of class 1/ class 2. pfp: estimated pfp for each gene if the gene is used as cutoff point P.value: estimated p-value for each gene Table 1 list genes that are up-regulated under class 2, Table 1 ist genes that are down-regulated under class 2, } \author{Fangxin Hong \email{fhong@salk.edu}} \seealso{ \code{\link{plotRP}} \code{\link{RP}} \code{\link{RPadvance}} \code{\link{RSadvance}} } \references{ Breitling, R., Armengaud, P., Amtmann, A., and Herzyk, P.(2004) Rank Products: A simple, yet powerful, new method to detect differentially regulated genes in replicated microarray experiments, \emph{FEBS Letter}, 57383-92 } \examples{ # Load the data of Golub et al. (1999). data(golub) # contains a 3051x38 gene expression # matrix called golub, a vector of length called golub.cl # that consists of the 38 class labels, # and a matrix called golub.gnames whose third column # contains the gene names. data(golub) #use a subset of data as example, apply the rank #product method subset <- c(1:4,28:30) #Setting rand=123, to make the results reproducible, #identify genes RP.out <- RP(golub[,subset],golub.cl[subset],rand=123) #get two lists of differentially expressed genes #by setting FDR (false discivery rate) =0.05 table=topGene(RP.out,cutoff=0.05,method="pfp",logged=TRUE,logbase=2, gene.names=golub.gnames[,3]) table$Table1 table$Table2 #using pvalue<0.05 topGene(RP.out,cutoff=0.05,method="pval",logged=TRUE,logbase=2, gene.names=golub.gnames[,3]) #by selecting top 10 genes topGene(RP.out,num.gene=10,gene.names=golub.gnames[,3]) } \keyword{htest}