\name{lymphoma} \alias{lym.exp} \docType{data} \title{Subset of the Intensity data for 8 cDNA slides with CLL and DLBL samples from the Alizadeh et al. paper in Nature 2000} \description{8 cDNA chips from Alizadeh lymphoma paper} \usage{data(lymphoma)} \format{ \code{lymphoma} is an \code{\link[Biobase:exprSet-class]{exprSet}} containing the data from 8 chips from the lymphoma data set by Alizadeh et al. (see references). Each chip represents two samples: on color channel 1 (CH1, Cy3, green) the common reference sample, and on color channel 2 (CH2, Cy5, red) the various disease samples. See \code{pData(lymphoma)}. The 9216x16 matrix \code{exprs(lymphoma)} contains the background-subtracted spot intensities (CH1I-CH1B and CH2I-CH2B, respectively). } \details{ The chip intensity files were downloaded from the Stanford microarray database. Starting from the link below, this was done by following the links \emph{Published Data} -> \emph{Alizadeh AA, et al. (2000) Nature 403(6769):503-11} -> \emph{Data in SMD} -> \emph{Display Data}, and selecting the following 8 slides: \tabular{l}{ lc7b019\cr lc7b047\cr lc7b048\cr lc7b056\cr lc7b057\cr lc7b058\cr lc7b069\cr lc7b070 } Then, the script \code{makedata.R} from the \code{scripts} subdirectory of this package was run to generate the \R data object. } \references{A. Alizadeh et al., Distinct types of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma identified by gene expression profiling. Nature 403(6769):503-11, Feb 3, 2000.} \source{http://genome-www5.stanford.edu/MicroArray/SMD} \keyword{datasets}